Physical Inventory Order Recording Import
Business Value
Physical inventory orders provide a structured process for recording physical inventory counts in Business Central. The standard functionality allows you to export and import the recordings in a fixed format. If you prefer to use a custom template in an Excel format, you can now use Excel Importer to import the recordings.
A possible scenario where this might be useful is when you have a third party managing your inventory in a specific location. If the third party performs a stock count and provides you with a file, you could import this file as a recording.
Feature Details
You can import the recording lines from the inventory recording page. The import can create new lines as well as update existing lines.
Physical inventory orders do not allow you to add inventory that has item tracking and requires an expiration date. This specifically relates to scenarios where the lot or serial has never been recorded in Business Central. If this scenario applies to you, you can use the Physical Inventory Journals instead. Physical inventory orders will support adjustments to lots with expiration dates - as long as the lot has previously been posted in Business Central.
Update Method
This setting aims to allow you to specify your intent so that you do not get unexpected results. For example, if your intention is only to add new recording lines, the import will ensure that the lines in the file do not already exist in Business Central.
Setting Value | Purpose |
Add | Only adding new lines. If existing lines are found with the same identifiers, then the import gets cancelled. |
Update | Only updating existing lines in Business Central. If the line in the file does not exist in Business Central then the import gets cancelled. |
Update/Add | You will be adding new lines as well as updating existing prices. You may require this setting if you expect to find inventory for which the was no expected quantity. |
Allow Duplicates
The default value for this setting is No. You would not want duplicate lines with the same identifiers in most cases. If you do encounter a scenario where this is required, then you can change this setting to Yes.
Setting Value | Purpose |
Yes | Allow duplicate lines with the same identifiers |
No | Do not allow duplicate lines with the same identifiers |
The combination of the below fields are used to uniquely identify recording lines.
Field |
Item No. |
Location Code |
Variant Code |
Bin Code |
Unit of Measure Code |