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I have a trial version and it's expired. How do I proceed with purchasing the license?

To purchase a license you need to complete the activation process and enter payment information. If you require any assistance please contact us.

My trial ended before I updated my payment details. After updating my payment details, I am still unable to use the app even though Stripe accepted these details. How do I resolve this?

We cache the subscription status for performance reasons. Read here for the process to refresh the subscription status.

My credit card expired, and my subscription expired. After updating my payment details, I am still unable to use the app even though Stripe accepted these details. How do I resolve this?

We cache the subscription status for performance reasons. Read here for the process to refresh the subscription status.

I have an on-premises Business Central environment - can I get Excel Importer too?

Yes, you can as long as you are using Business Central version 15 or higher! However, some additional steps need to be taken before using Excel Importer. More help can be found here.

My Excel file includes lines I do not want to import. Can Excel rows be skipped from the import without first editing the file?

Yes, as of version, the app can specify a row filter. You can configure the row filter to skip rows that meet specific criteria or configure it only to include rows that meet specific criteria. You can read more about this here.


The dimensions specified on my template and those imported from my file are not always respected. How can I ensure that these values always get used instead of default dimensions?

The most common cause of this issue is the processing order of the dimensions. In Business Central, updates to various fields on a journal or document can trigger Business Central to replace the journal's or document's dimensions with the default dimensions. To ensure your imported dimension values (or dimension values specified in the template as constants) get used, you should ensure that dimensions are the last fields to get processed.

Click here for information on specifying the processing order.

General Journals

I have an active workflow that should trigger the entries I am importing, but there are no Restricted Records relating to the lines I have imported. How do we trigger the Restricted Records?

The app will trigger the workflow approvals if you have an active workflow. However, this gets suppressed if you set the journal as system-created. You can read more about this here.

Purchase Documents

How do I get the Excel Importer to split an Excel file into multiple Purchase Orders/Invoices?

You can find information on this here. If you want Business Central to assign a document number, you can use the "Replace Document No." setting. More help can be found here. You can also look at our example where we have used this feature.

Sales Documents

How do I get the Excel Importer to split an Excel file into multiple Sales Orders/Invoices?

You can find information on this here. If you want Business Central to assign a document number, you can use the "Replace Document No." setting. More help can be found here. You can also look at our example for purchase invoices where we have used this feature. While this is not an example of a sales document import, the sales and purchase document imports share common features.

How do I get Excel Importer to use a different number series from the default number series on Sales & Receivables Setup?

To use a different number series for new documents, you have two options:

  • Map the document number from the Excel file (if available) to the "Document No." field.
  • Add a field mapping for the "No. Series" field. This value will most likely not be present in your file, but you can specify a constant value.

I am trying to import a unit price with the data, but it does not come through to the sales documents as expected.

The most common cause is the processing order of the fields on your template. In Business Central, the unit price gets recalculated when you enter the Item No., Location Code, Variant Code, Unit Of Measure Code and Quantity. To ensure that your unit price from the file is respected, you must ensure that the unit price gets processed after these fields. Click here for information on specifying the processing order.

I am trying to import a comment line, but I get an error that "Comment" is not a valid value for the field "Type".

The issue is that the field Type is formatted when displayed on sales pages and shows the text Comment instead of blank. The correct way to import this value is to specify blank as the Type. However, if you already have a file where the Type is Comment, you can add a transformation rule to convert the text Comment to blank.

Read here to see how you can do this.

I get an error that Type must be Item or Type must not be blank when importing comment lines.

The most common cause of this issue is field validation within Business Central. Some fields on the sales line in Business Central will raise an error even when you specify a blank value for comment lines. To avoid this error, change the Validation Method on your mapping template to either Only if Values or Only if not default value for the affected fields. Read here more information.

I have an additional column in my file that I want to add as a comment line on my sales or purchase document.

We have recently enhanced the custom values feature to do this. For more information, read more about custom values here.


I have outsourced my warehouse. How can I reconcile my inventory balances with the balances provided by my outsourced warehouse?

The easiest way to do this would be to create a Physical Inventory Order and use Excel Importer to import the inventory balances from your outsourced warehouse.