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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning. 2024-07-16


  • Added document attachments to the contract card. 2024-07-13


  • Minor refactoring for Business Central 2024 Wave 1. 2024-07-04


  • Resolved an issue on contract lines where Post Inventory was specified - if there was no unit of measure on the contract line, it did not default from the item for associated sales and purchase invoices. The app will now use the item's sales/purchase unit of measure if the value is not specified on the contract line. 2024-06-17


  • A change was made so that when updating the Next Billing Date on the contract line, the unit price would not be set to zero if no price was found. 2024-06-06


  • Resolved an issue where an error would occur while adding a line if your contracts were filtered to hide cancelled lines.


  • Stop Billing Reminder is now reset when you run contract billing.
  • Renamed the Status on the contract to Contract State. 2024-05-16


  • Use the vendor's default payment terms when creating invoices related to contracts and not the payment terms specified on the contract. 2024-05-03


  • We have added some more flexibility to the way in which the contract billing can be run to reduce the impact when run the batch job during office hours and also to allow you to specify filters if you schedule the billing. You can read more about this here. 2024-05-02


  • Added a fact box to the Contract Line Versions page so you can easily see changes between each version. 2024-04-30


  • Minor refactoring done to the Import from Excel feature to use a new feature of Excel Importer. 2024-04-18


  • Resolved an where contracts did not get updated during a customer merge. 2024-04-04


  • We have now added a contract billing reminder document used when sending out billing reminders.


  • The billing reminder emails now used the new contract billing reminder document. This allows greater flexibility when configuring the information you wish to include on the billing reminders.
  • The customer and bill-to-customer names on the contract have been changed from flow fields to fields to allow searching without filtering.
  • The app now raises notifications if the billing reminder templates and the automated recurring billing batch jobs are not scheduled. The notification also has an action to create it for you.
  • The Import from Excel template now supports the new API functionality that was introduced into Excel Importer. This means you can push new contracts to Business Central using an API if the source of the contracts is either an Excel or text file. 2024-04-02


  • Resolved an issue with the calculation of partial credit memos - where the number of days calculated was out by one day. 2024-01-26


  • The app now supports the New Item Pricing Experience that was introduced in Business Central 2020 Wave 2. You can read more about this here. The app will continue to support the old ng model for as long as this is supported by Business Central.
  • Unit of Measure Code is now available on contract lines. This feature was previously only available as a preview. The purpose of the unit of measure is to allow you to configure pricing per invoicing period. The app will automatically create the units of measure and update existing contract lines and items when the new version is installed.
  • The app can now automatically create Units of Measure for contract items when specify the contract item group on the item card. You configure which units of measure to created on the Billing Period/Unit of Measure Mapping.


  • You can now specify the contract payment terms on the contract header to will override the payment terms on the customer card when raising contract invoices. The same is also available for purchases relating to contracts.
  • When creating a sales invoice the unit of measure code now gets copied to the sales invoice lines before the prices. This allows you to override pricing on the contract lines.
  • The legacy feature that allowed you to use one item for descriptions and another for pricing the contract is now hidden behind a feature flag. This is because the contract item pricing has advanced to the point where this is no longer required. This feature is enabled by default if you already use the feature. 2024-01-25


  • Resolved an issue with back-dated where an error would occur while creating the credit memo if the related invoices had a discount. 2023-09-29


  • Resolved issues and handled warnings related to the Business Central 2023 Wave 2 release. 2023-09-18


  • The Import from Excel feature will now support adding new lines to existing contracts. The import previously supported modifying existing lines or adding new contracts. 2023-06-06


  • Resolved an issue where the default invoice period would get cleared when importing contracts with more than one line using Excel Importer. 2023-06-02


  • Contract Import from Excel feature was updated to take advanced of new features in Excel Importer. 2023-05-09


  • Changes for Business Central 2023 Wave 1. 2023-04-05


  • We changed the deferral start date calculation to support accounting periods that do not follow the calendar months. If you want to use this feature you need to update your contract groups. Select Use Accounting Periods for Deferral and then select the Deferral Start Period. 2022-08-08

  • Added additional fields to the contract lines list. 2022-06-25


  • Subscription Management to handle product activation


  • Changes to the Import from Excel to take advantage of new features in Excel Importer.


  • Resolved an issue with the Import from Excel feature where it displayed an error referring to the Import Type not being valid


  • Contract Change Entries - a new feature added to record contract quantity changes.


  • The import from Excel gave an error about the version number being a protected field when updating existing lines. This is because the field is added to the imported fields to find the existing record. The issue is resolved by removing the version number from the imported fields after the existing record is found.
  • There was permission issue on contract billing log when invoicing manually. The issue is resolved by changing how the insert was handled.


  • Contract Ledger Entries that were created for consolidated invoices (multiple contracts on one invoice) would have the wrong customer number assigned when the sell-to customer was different to the bill-to customer. The issue was resolved and the data is corrected when the extension is upgraded.


  • Resolved issues with Importing contracts from Excel:
    • There was an issue with files where the contract number was not specified.
    • It was not possible to import lines that did not have an item number specified.


  • When validating the effective date on locking the contract, the program was also checking lines that were previously cancelled. The validation is now changed to exclude lines that were previously cancelled and still are cancelled.


  • BC19 Breaking Change - handled TempBlob breaking change.


  • Release/Send Approval Request for recurring documents. It is now possible to automatically release or send Contract Invoices or Credit Memos for approval at the time of creation. You enable this feature on the Contract Setup - "Release/Send Approval Request". The documents are still created if the release or send approval request fails. Any errors get logged in the new Contract Billing Log. Note: Remember to disable the confirmation message if you do set up workflows. If you do not, you will receive multiple confirmation messages when running the billing manually.
  • Contract Billing Log - a new contract billing log records any errors that prevent billing, prevent the document from being sent for approval or released. 2021-08-28


  • Partial Billing in first and last period - if the first billing date is in the middle of the period it is now possible to generate a partial bill for the first billing period. The same is also applicable when the billing ends in the middle of a billing period. The partial billing is only possible if this is specified in the contract setup.


  • Added logic to retain the number of deferral periods calculated so that it is not replaced from setup when the posting date is changed on a sales invoice or sales credit memo


  • Resolved issue with Import from Excel - was not able to import new lines to existing contracts


  • Recalculate the deferral schedule on a credit memo based on the effective date of change as well as the remaining number of periods. For example if an annual contract is cancelled after 3 months, the number of periods on the credit memo will be 9 instead of 12. 2021-07-16


  • Permission sets converted to permissionset objects
  • Filter out cancelled lines on contract card 2021-04-21


  • Handled a breaking change to make contract billing compatible with version 18. Recommend all clients install this version to ensure a smooth upgrade with no errors. 2020-08-26


  • Fixed an issue with contract deferrals


  • Added an Import from Excel function to the contract list. This allows you to import new contracts or update existing contracts. Note: This extends excel importer so it also means that Contract Billing is now dependent on Excel Importer. Therefore to install this application you must first install Excel Importer from AppSource. The contract billing extension can still function if Excel Importer is not activated but it is only possible to use the Import from Excel functionality if Excel Importer is activated. 2020-08-10


  • Fixed an issue with the posting of a credit note where the sign was incorrectly updated on quantities and amounts


  • Added an XML port to assist with the take-on of high volumes of contracts. The file format is tab-delimited. An example file can be found in the Theta Business Central channel of Theta D365 under Implementation Tools/Take-on Balance Templates. The import assumes the first row contains headers. |ContractNo|Customer No|Bill-to Customer No|ContractDesc|PricesIncludeGST|LineNo|ItemNo|VariantCode|Description|ContractGroupCode|ContractPriceItem|PriceVariant|ContractStartDate|ContractEndDate|LastInvoiceDate|NextInvoiceDate|Recurring Frequency|Quantity|UnitPrice|LineDiscountPercent|GlobDim1|GlobDim2|GlobDim23|GlobDim4|GlobDim5|GlobDim6|GlobDim7|GlobDim8|ContractStatus|
  • Added Contract Posting Description to the contract setup to allow a custom posting description to be used. For example you can now change the posting description from contract invoice to subscription invoice.


  • Added last date modified to contract header
  • Added WSPublishing.xml file to automatically publish some pages as web services
  • Changed billing to raise invoices for zero-priced lines (if specified in setup). Also changed reverse billing to trigger if the next billing date is changed back to prevent double billing


  • Added setup option to allow zero value contract lines


  • Added an action to the contract sub form and contract lines list to show changes between the current version and the previous version. This can be used to review the changes made from one version to the next version.


  • Fixed the contract line price calculation so that it updates the unit price when the quantity is changed. This is to support quantity breaks in pricing.


  • Added a Contract Price Item. This is to handle scenarios on the contract lines where the price is not driven by the item selected on the line but rather some other criteria. By default, the Contract Price Item is not shown.
  • Added a contract line fact box.
  • Added tooltips to the contract page (header and sub page).


  • Added variant code to contract lines and related entries to support items with variants