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Integration Hub Setup

This setup contains company wide setting that are used by the Integration Hub.

Handle Failed MessageSpecifies how to handle the original failed messages when they get retried.
Enable Workflows for IntegrationSpecifies that you want to handle integration events with workflows. The recommended approach is using Integration Handlers rather than workflows, as they perform better.
Outbound Wait (m/s)Specifies the delay added after sending each outbound message when sending delayed messages. The purpose of this setting is to avoid hitting API limits.
EDI Unit Price Tolerance (+/-)Specifies the tolerance before the difference between an EDI price and the sales price is deemed a variance. Any difference greater than or equal to this value is deemed a variance. This logic is currently only available for sales documents such as sales orders.
Sales Unit Price Field IDSpecifies an alternative field to compare the sales line's unit price to the EDI unit price.
Net Price ComputationSpecifies the Net Price Computation formula applied to sales documents' Net Unit Price field.
Allow Ext. Doc Change to EDI Sales DocumentSpecifies that you allow changes to the external document number for EDI transactions. Usually, this is not permitted, as the external document number matches the document to the external document.
Allow EDI Fields EditSpecifies that EDI system fields are editable. This is only intended for testing in a sandbox environment.
Track Sales Price ChangesSpecifies that the sales line is updated to reflect if the sales price on the line has been changed. The effect is that the sales lines will reflect if a user changes the price or discount and if there is a price/order multiple issue.
Track Price Change TypeSpecifies which method to use when tracking sales price changes.
Show Cost in Price DetailSpecifies that cost values are shown on the price overview page, accessible from sales documents to view variances.
Enable Price Variance Calculation on Credit MemoSpecifies that you want to enable the EDI price logic for credit memos. Usually, this is disabled since most organisations do not integrate inbound credit notes from customers.

API Endpoints

Here you configure the API Endpoints that are referenced in by Outbound Integration Handlers.

CodeSpecifies the code.
NameSpecifies the name of the endpoint.
Endpoint TypeSpecifies the type of endpoint which influences how the outbound messages are sent. Refer to the online documentation for more information.
Endpoint URISpecifies the Endpoint URI.
Skip error on failed callSpecifies that when the HTTP request fails, no error will be raised.
Encode Message DetailsSpecifies that you want the message to be encoded as Base64 text.
Remove Special CharactersSpecifies that special characters get removed from the message during HTTP calls if you send the message as Base64 encoded. This setting will affect all messages using this endpoint. You can update the integration handler only to affect a specific message.
Authentication TypeSpecifies the type of Authentication to use.
Access KeySpecifies the Access Key.
Access Key ValueSpecifies the Access Key Value
OAuth 2.0 EndpointSpecifies the the OAuth 2.0 Endpoint.
Grant TypeSpecifies the Grant Type.
Client IDSpecifies the Client ID.
Client SecretSpecifies the client secret.
ScopeSpecifies the scope.
Event TopicSpecifies the Event Topic for the Event Grid or the Topic for the Service Bus.
Event SubjectSpecifies the Event Subject for the Event Grid or the Subscriber for the Service Bus.