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Sales and Accounts Receivable

Included Outbound Documents

The list below shows all outbound Sales and Accounts Receivables documents in the app.

Sales QuoteYou can print/send this document from the sales quotes page.
Sales Order ConfirmationYou can print/send this document from the sales order.
Proforma InvoiceYou can print/send this document from the sales invoice and order pages.
Proforma Credit MemoYou can print/send this document from the sales credit memo pages. You can provide this document to the customer if you want to acknowledge a credit that will be posted. This report is not enabled by default, as most organisations only provide a credit memo to customers once it is posted. You can enable this on Theta Document Template Setup.
Sales Order Packing SlipYou can print this document from the sales order if you want to use this as an instruction to pick items for an order. This report is not enabled by default, as most organisations prefer to use the Inventory Pick or Warehouse Pick functionality. You can enable this on Theta Document Template Setup.
Sales Credit MemoYou can print/send this while posting and from the posted document. You can also send this using the automated batch job.
Sales InvoiceYou can print/send this while posting and from the posted document. You can also send this using the automated batch job.
Commercial InvoiceYou can print/send this document from the posted sales invoices page.
Sales ShipmentYou can print this while posting and from the posted document. Some organisations also want to email shipment documents too. You send these using the automated batch job.
Sales Return OrderYou can print this document from the sales return order.
Sales Return CollectionYou can print this document from the sales return order to provide formal instructions to your transporter to collect the goods.
Customer StatementThis statement supports an Open Item or Balance Brought Forward format. You can run the statements from the customer card or the customer list. You can read here for more details.
Customer Payment AdviceThis report allows you to print a payment receipt and show how the payment has been allocated.

Report Features

FeatureSupported Reports Reports
Select position of document logoAll
Use Responsibility Centre details for company informationAll
Show Sales contact email/phone details instead of common details for the companyAll
Specify default language for companyAll
Show GST Registration Info or ABN No.Quote, Order, Proforma Invoice, Invoice, Credit Memo, Return Order
Change Date FormatsAll
Display LCY SymbolAll
Show Prices on ShipmentShipment, Packing Slip
Change colours of fonts and bordersAll
Show Shipping DetailInvoice
Show Item Tracking informationAll (except statement)
Prevent sending/printing if openQuote, Order, Proforma Invoice, Return Order
Show Customer Item No.All (except statement)
Wrap description and split into multiple linesAll (except statement)
Change document nameAll
Configure a different copy name per copyAll
Legal text specific to the documentAll
Document AggregationAll (except statement)

Customer Statement

The customer statement prints per Customer/Currency. Therefore, a customer having NZD and USD transactions will get two statements. You can select between an Open Item or Balance Brought Forward statement. There are also several additional options before running the report that will influence what gets displayed on the document. Below are details about the options.

Statement TypeSpecifies the type of statement the app will generate. You can choose either Open Item to show all open items or Balance Brought Forward to show an opening balance and transactions within the period.
Start DateSpecifies the start date of the period. This option is only applicable when the Statement Type is Balance Brought Forward.
End DateSpecifies the period's end date and the statement date.
Exclude Zero Balance EntriesSpecifies that you want to exclude all closed entries. If you don't specify this, the statement includes entries closed in the current period (e.g., payment received and fully applied in the current period). This setting does not influence reversed entries, which always get excluded.
Exclude On Hold EntriesSpecifies that you want to exclude that you placed on hold.
Include All Customers with Ledger EntriesInclude customers with transactions in the period, even if the balance is zero.
Include All Customers with a BalanceInclude customers with a balance only.
Ageing Band Period LengthSpecifies the period length used to create the ageing band.
Ageing Band BySpecifies whether you want the ageing to be based on the due date or the posting date.

The Customer Statement also includes additional system configurable fields. Most of these allow you to change the captions of the fields displayed on the customer statement. Here are some additional details about these settings:

Ageing TotalThis is the caption that prints next to the statement total. %1 represents the currency code. Therefore Total %1 will print Total NZD
Due Date Ageing DisplayThis setting affects how the ageing band works when the ageing band is by Due Date. Before..Current Period specifies that on the ageing band, any entry due on a date within the current period or beyond the current period will be deemed as current. Before..Current..Date specifies that only entries due on or after the statement date are deemed current. Before..Current..Date is more accurate because it breaks down the balance between what should have been paid and what is due in the future.
Column 1 to 5 TotalsThese settings allow you to specify what prints as headings on the ageing band. You can also include %1, %2, %3, %4 and %5 as placeholders where %1 = Days (e.g. 30 Days), %2 = Days + 1 (e.g. 31 Days), %3 = Next - 1 (e.g. 59 days), %4 = Next (e.g. 60 days), %5 = Currency Code (e.g. NZD).
Opening BalanceThis is the description that prints on the first line of a Balance Brought Forward statement. You can also include %1, %2 and %3 as placeholders where %1 = Currency Code, %2 = Start Date, %3 = Prior Period End Date.

You can update these settings using the link provided on the Options tab provided by the report, or you can open Theta Document Settings and navigate to the settings for the customer statement.

Customer Statement Settings

Document Sending

The Base Pack extends the Business Central document-sending capabilities with the following additional features:

  • Email Preferences
  • Email layouts per responsibility center
  • Automatically send sales order confirmation on release.

Email Preference

This feature is available for Sales Orders, Invoices and Credit Memos to specify whether the app should send emails to the Bill-to Customer (Business Central default), Sell-to Customer or both.

You can configure the default rule from report selections. You can also specify the rule per customer/document:

Email Preferences


As you can specify the email preference for the Sell-to Customer and the Bill-to Customer, the app will prioritise the value specified for the Sell-to Customer. The app will use the setting from the Bill-to Customer if the Sell-to Customer is specified as default.

Document Extended Text

The Document Extended Text feature allows you to add additional text to sales documents based on conditions. For example, you can specify extended text providing delivery instructions that apply to a specific sell-to customer/ship-to code when Sales Shipments get printed. The feature also supports more generic texts applicable to bill-to customers, customer groups and all customers. You also can configure conditions that must be met to trigger the extended text.

Note: This feature used to be called Document Instructions.


The Document Extended Text relates to the entire document. To print extended texts for specific lines, you should use Extended Texts.

Document Extended Text Conditions

If you only want to print document extended text under certain conditions, you can create conditions here.

Document Extended Text Conditions

CodeA unique value for the condition.
DescriptionA meaningful description of the condition.
PriorityThe priority of the condition. The condition with the lowest value in this field has the highest priority. In some cases, more than one condition can apply to the same document. The condition with the lowest value in this field gets used in this case.
Report TypeSpecifies if this condition is applicable when a specific report type gets printed. You must not select a value here if you wish to use the condition and different sales reports.
Header Filter TextSpecifies filters for the header representing the condition.
Line Filter TextSpecifies filters for the lines representing the condition.
  • You must specify a value for the Header Filter Text and/or the Line Filter Text.
  • Line Filter Text is not supported on the Warehouse Packing Slip, Internal Pick and Shipment Reports and will get ignored.

Document Extended Text on Warehouse Documents

  • The warehouse documents handle sales and transfer documents and consequently do not support conditions with filters on the lines. This applies to the following documents:
    • Warehouse Packing Slip
    • Warehouse Internal Pick
    • Warehouse Shipment
    • Posted Warehouse Shipment
  • The Warehouse Shipment and Posted Warehouse Shipment display the extended texts that would print on a Warehouse Packing Slip. These documents only support extended text before the document lines.

Setting up Document Extended Text for All Customers

You can configure Document Extended Text for all customers with conditions that control when it prints. In the Document Settings page, find the report and select the Document Extended Text action.

Document Settings - Document Extended Text

The Document Extended Text page opens.

  1. Select the Condition when you want the text to print.
  2. Select the Position - either Before Document Lines or After Document Lines.

Document Extended Text - All Customers


If you want to print Document Extended Text before and after, repeat steps 1 and 2.

Setting up Customer-Specific Document Extended Text

Depending on the requirements, you can configure Document Extended Text to print for specific customers at different levels. The app will select the Document Extended Text that best matches the values on the document in the following priority:

1Sell-to Customer/Ship-to Address
2Sell-to Customer
3Bill-to Customer
4Customer Group

You can access the Document Extended Text from the Customer card and the Ship-to Address card. This will default the options on the Document Extended Text page.

Accessing Document Extended Text from the Customer card

Document Extended Text - Customer Card

Accessing Document Extended Text from the Ship-to Address card

Document Extended Text - Ship-to Address

Example: Document Extended Text specified for a Sell-to Customer/Ship-to Address

Document Extended Text - Ship-to Address Example

Customer Card

Document Instructions Customer Card

Ship-to Address Card

Document Instructions Ship-to Address Card

Example - Printing information on the Sales Shipment

Document Instructions Page

Document Instructions Page

Example Output

Document Instructions Print

Document Aggregation

The Document Aggregation feature allows you to set up rules to aggregate (or summarise) the documents you print for your customers. For example, your invoice may include many lines required for internal reporting (e.g. multiple lines with different dimensions or raising invoices related to multiple shipments of the same item).

Typical usage scenarios include:

  • Sales Invoices related to projects where you can summarise many similar lines. For example, showing only a single line for labour and consumables.
  • Sales Invoices related to multiple deliveries of the same item

This feature is supported on all outbound Sales Documents.


This feature requires a premium subscription plan.

Document Aggregation Rules

You can access Document Aggregation Rules from Theta Document Settings or from Tell Me.

Document Aggregation List

Document Aggregation Rule Card

When you create or edit the Document Aggregation Rule, the following page below gets opened:

Example 1: Document Aggregation Rule


You cannot edit rules that are enabled. To edit the aggregation rule, you first need to turn it off. Once you finish editing the aggregation rule, you must enable it to be used when the documents are printed.

Header Fields

CodeSpecifies the unique code assigned to the rule.
DescriptionSpecifies the description of the rule.
PriorityThe priority of the rule. The rule with the lowest value in this field has the highest priority. In some cases, more than one rule can apply to the same document. The condition with the lowest value in this field gets used in this case.
EnabledSpecifies that this rule is enabled and will be used to aggregate documents.
Report TypeSpecifies if this rule is applicable when a specific report type gets printed. You must not select a value here if you wish to use the rule on different sales reports.
Header Filter TextSpecifies filters for the header representing the conditions when this rule applies.
Suppress Comment LinesSpecifies that the app must not print comment lines on the report.


PriorityThe priority of the condition. The condition with the lowest value in this field has the highest priority. In some cases, more than one condition can apply to the same document. The condition with the lowest value in this field gets used. The value assigned here needs to be unique for the aggregation rule.
Condition Filter TextSpecifies filters for the line when this condition is applicable.
Aggregation TypeSpecifies the type of Aggregation you wish to perform.
Line Sub-TypeSpecify this if you wish to aggregate by the sub-type. The sub-type is related to the type. For example, on items, you have Inventory, Non-Inventory and Service types that you can use for grouping.
Unit of MeasureSpecifies the Unit of Measure that you want to display for the aggregated line.
Alternative DescriptionSpecifies the description you want to print for the aggregated line.
Alternative Description 2Specifies the description 2 you want to print for the aggregated line.

Example 1: Aggregate Resource Lines By Type

In this example, we want to aggregate resource lines so that we only print a single line for labour services on the invoices.

Document Aggregation Rule

Example 1.1


We did not specify the Report Type here because we want to use the same rule for all sales documents.

Document Output

Example 1.2

Example 2: Aggregate Resource Lines By Type and Item Lines By Type

It is also possible to aggregate different lines by various aggregation type.

Document Aggregation Rule

Example 2.1


In this case, more than one condition was applied to the same document. The condition with the lowest value in the field Priority has the highest priority.

Document Output

Example 2.2

Example 3: Suppress Comment Lines In General

It is shown in this example that we can suppress all the comment lines by toggling the boolean field Suppress Comment Lines.

Document Aggregation Rule

Example 3.1

Document Output

Example 3.2

Example 4: Suppress Specific Comment Lines

When there exists multiple comment lines in the document and we would like to only suppress a specific comment, the feasible way to achieve this is by adding an additional condition.

Document Aggregation Rule

Example 4.1

Document Output

Example 4.2

Example 5: Others

Applying other aggregation conditions can help you gain insight into the data by combining multiple data points into a single result and eventually present the desired result on the report.

Document Aggregation Rule

Example 5.1

Document Output

Example 5.2


All the examples above come from a proforma invoice, however, the result will be the same for the sales invoice and credit memo.

Example 6: Job Invoicing

We created a project card J00010 with multiple project tasks assigned:

Scenario Gif1: Create Job Card

Scenario PNG: Job Card

Then we generate a project sales invoice from the project J00010:

Scenario Gif2: Create Job Sales Invoice

Take a look at the newly created sales invoice:

Scenario Gif3: Job Sales Invoice Page

Scenario PNG: Job Sales Invoice Page

The Proforma Invoice preview looks like this:

Scenario Gif4: Preview Proforma Invoice

Scenario PNG: Preview Proforma Invoice

Send Posted Documents

This feature used to be called "Send Posted Invoices, Credit Memos, and Shipments"

Business Value

Most organisations want to email Invoices and Credit Memos to their customers instead of printing them. Business Central allows you to Post and Send individual documents and Send one or more documents from the posting document lists. However, there is no standard way to ensure the documents get sent because it relies on the user performing the correct action. There is also no automated way to send documents posted from a Warehouse Shipment.

Feature Details

The Send Posted Documents allows you to schedule when to send posted documents automatically, so there is no risk of leaving some documents out. It can also notify users if there are customers/vendors that do not have emails specified and assign tasks to users to handle it.

Send Posted Documents


Some organisations may have many years of history, so you need to use the features provided in this batch job to restrict the documents that can get sent. The option Send only if not in Document Email Log, and the filters get used to handle which documents get sent.

Sending Options

You must specify the fields in the table below:

Send only if not in Document Email LogSpecifies that emails are only sent if the document cannot be found in the Document Email Log. The Document Email Log only gets created when an email is sent, so this is a good measure to ensure you do not send out the same document more than once. We recommend that you enable this.
Send Empty DocumentsSpecifies that you want to send empty documents. Empty documents are created as placeholders to prevent gaps in the number series. These documents usually have only a single line stating Deleted Document. You usually would not want to send these as they are irrelevant to your customer or vendor.
Created At Date FormulaSpecify the formula used to determine the earliest "Created At Date" in the batch job. This setting speeds up processing and also helps reduce the possibility of re-sending documents.
Maximum Emails per MinuteSpecifies the maximum number of emails that will be sent per minute. If zero, then there is no limit. The current limit imposed by Microsoft is 30 messages per minute.
Send InvoicesSpecifies that invoices will be sent.
Send Credit MemosSpecifies that credit memos will be sent.
Send Sales ShipmentsSpecifies that sales shipments will be sent.
Send Remittance AdvicesSpecifies that vendor/customer remittance advices and customer payment advices (for direct debits) will be sent.
Send Purchase InvoicesSpecifies that purchase invoices (buyer-created invoices) will be sent.

User Task Options

Create User TasksSpecifies that User Tasks get created if no email address is specified against the customer. The pending User Tasks show in the "User Tasks" activities fact box in the Role Centre.
Sales User Task GroupSpecifies the group to which the user tasks will be assigned for customer emails.
Purchase User Task GroupSpecifies the group to which the user tasks will be assigned for vendor emails.
Task DurationSpecifies a date formula that gets used to calculate the due date of any tasks created.


You must specify filters for each document type you select to send to ensure you do not accidentally send out documents posted long ago. This is especially important for organisations that have many years of history. Examples of filters:

  • A filter on Created At (preferred). This can be set to a date greater than or equal to the day you started using Business Central. This is important if you have history from a prior version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Created At Date Formula will also filter on this field if specified. Specifying a filter and using Created At Date Formula is valid.
  • A filter on Last Sent Status

Prevent resending documents

It is essential to set Send only if not in Document Email Log to prevent the same document from being sent multiple times.

The app limits the rate at which emails get sent to avoid sending many emails simultaneously. When an email gets queued to get sent, the app creates a record in the document email log with a Sending Status of Pending. The document log is updated with the sending details when the email gets sent to prevent the same document from being sent more than once (even if this batch job is run simultaneously by more than one user or in the job queue).


We recommend setting the Created At Date Formula to a short duration so that this process reads through fewer records, allowing you to run this process more frequently. For example, if you run this process every hour, you could specify 1D so that the app only considers documents created in the past day.

  • If you clear the Document Email Log, you will need to adjust the date filter to avoid resending documents.
  • You should never clear all records in the document email log.

Copy Report Selections to Customer Document Layouts

We have made the following enhancements to the Report Selections - Sales page:

  • Configure which reports get copied from the Report Selections - Sales when manually selecting this action.
  • Configure which reports automatically get copied from Report Selections - Sales.
  • Update Customer Document Layouts automatically.

Report Selections - Sales

Here we have added the following:

  • A View All Reports option shows you all sales report selections in one window, which helps you to check/update the setup faster.
  • The Report Selection Defaults action, which opens a page where you can configure defaults

Report Selections - Sales

Update Report Selection Defaults

Update Report Selection Defaults

Copy from Report SelectionSpecifies that layout will be added to the customer document layouts page when you select the "Copy from Report Selection".
Auto Update LayoutSpecifies that the customer document layouts will get automatically created/updated when the customer record is updated. This field also controls which reports will be updated when you use the "Auto Update Email/Layouts" function on the Customer Document Layouts page.
Email PreferenceHere you can specify if you want the email sent according to the Business Central default, the Bill-to Customer, Sell-to Customer or both. This feature is only supported for some reports listed here.

Customer Document Layouts

We have made the following enhancements to this page:

  • The Copy from Report Selection:
  • We have added the Auto Update Email/Layouts action, which updates the send-to email and the layout selection on customer document layouts related to selected reports.
  • The Report Selection Defaults opens the Report Selection Defaults page.

Customer Document Layouts

Added Fields

Disable Update from AccountSpecifies that the send-to email must not automatically be updated when the email address gets updated on the customer account.
Disable Document Layout UpdateSpecifies that the app must not replace the custom document layouts specified on the record from the default report selection. You must select this if the customer requires a custom document layout different from the default; otherwise, it will get replaced when the customer account is updated.
  • The above fields only apply to the documents configured to be updated automatically, which you specify in the Report Selection Defaults page (Auto Update Layout).
  • When you install the app or upgrade to the latest version, the Invoice, Credit Memo and Statement default to Auto Update Layout. This is for backwards compatibility purposes - previously, only these reports got updated by this feature.